Friday, August 24, 2012

Comix and Stories this Weekend

I will be attending the Vancouver Comix and Stories show this weekend. I will have the first collected volume of Centuri Way of the Ninja available as well as all of the new BIT+ paper toys.

See ya there,

Friday, August 10, 2012

New Paper Toy Design "BIT+" from ITP Studios

The templates for this new Paper Toy creation are available by here.

And with the release of Series 1 of "BIT+", I have also released a Series 0 which will feature the characters from the comic CENTURI Way of the Ninja.

The first two characters done in the "BIT+" style are CENTURI and BRAKKA. Available first on the blog.

Next month will see the release of an additional two more characters from the comic.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Calgary Expo 2012 recap

Thank you to all that came out the the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo this past weekend. We had a blast at the show. To all the people that stopped by the table Thank you for making it such a great show. We look forward to coming back next year.

A couple of links to some great creators that I meet at the show.

Mike Boldt of Boldtman Studios

Amazing artist and super nice guy. Totally missed out Sunday but maybe we can try again next year.

Caanan Grall creator of Max Overacts

Again another great artist and super nice guy. I also got an amazing commission from him. The scan does not do it justice. One of my favorite drawings of Centuri.

One of the coolest things happened at the convention though. My son finally did a drawing of his dads character. After telling me that his was going to draw him for the past year or so he finally did it and he rocked it.

I also forgot to post this wicked commission that I had gotten done by Jasin Martin of Super Real Graphics back at the Jet City Comic Show in September. Check it out.

That's it for now,


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Centuri WOTN #119

The blue line work for toady's new page at Centuri Way of the Ninja WebComic

It is probably my favorite page that I have drawn. I liked the layout of the page and how the energy emitting for Centuri's eyes act as the panel borders. Once I inked it and added the dialogue it just finished it up but I still enjoyed looked at the blue roughs so I though I would share them.

And now the finished page.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

ECCC recap and FanExpo Vancouver

Thank you to everyone that stopped bu in Emerald City Comic Con a couple of weeks ago.
I had a great time at the show meeting everyone.

One of the best show I have had so far and I am looking forward to next year already.

Friday was really busy. Way busier than last year. My kids loved running around at the show and had a great time chasing everyone dressed up as a Star Wars character.

Saturday was stupid busy. I left the table to get a crepe (oh they have the best crepes just outside of the convention centre) and pretty much ran back to the table as quick as I could due to the mobs of people everywhere. You could hardly move. If there is one compliant (a very small one), it would be larger aisles on the show floor (oh and more garbage cans). I stayed behind the table pretty much all of Saturday just to avoid trying to move on the floor.

Sunday was more relaxed. Still busy but not crazy busy like Saturday. I sold a few more books. Sold out the sheets for the Hare and Large Centuri Paper Toys. I thought that was pretty cool. Not bad considering I did not even have the sheets out on the table for Friday.

So, all in all ECCC was a wicked show. I already have a table booked for next year (got a booth for next year), so it will be year number 9 for me. One away until the big 10 year anniversary of Centuri WOTN. I gotta start pumping out the work to really make the upcoming years even better than this year.

On April 21st and 22nd, I will be in Vancouver for FAN EXPO Vancouver

It is the first year of the show and the first 2 day comic book show in Vancouver that I can remember. Really hoping it does great because Vancouver needs/deserves a big COMIC CON. There are just too many talented creators in the area to not have one.

Below is a map of the show floor and were you can find me in you are in the area. Be sure to pop by and check it out.


Monday, March 19, 2012

"TRAPPED" New chapter starts Wednesday

A new chapter of CENTURI Way of the Ninja webcomic starts on Wednesday.

I have started used Manga Studio alot of the backgrounds on this chapter, which is exciting for me. Finally I am using the program for what it should be used for.

In this chapter Centuri will face people from his past that will shed light on his origins and of coruse battle crazy villians in the high energy fighting webcomic.

Here is a look at the chapters' title page. Hope look check out the webcomic which still is keeping it's Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule.

And remember I will be at Emerald City Comic Con in the Artist Alley, Table N-08, on March 30, 31 and April 1st.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Prototype Paper Toys

Some new Paper Toys that I have been working on. The characters are Brakka (from issues 4 to 5 of Centuri WOTN) and Suro (a new cat-themed character that is involved in the latest Centuri WOTN story currently running over at the Centuri WOTN webcomic .

I hope to have at least Brakka ready for ECCC and maybe Suro as well.

BRAKKA Prototype

SURO Prototype

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The first convention of 2012 that I will be attending is about a month away. The Emerald City Comic Con is one of the best con's around with one of the best guest lists every year. This is their 10 year anniversary so I am sure that they are planning to have tons of cool things going on. If you are anywhere near Seattle around March 30th - April 1st, I would high recommend attending this show.

Below is a map to my table were you can get all your Centuri WOTN swag. The table location is subject to changes but in my years of attending this show I have only been moved once. If I am, I will post an updated map.

I plan on attending the FanExpo in Vancouver on April 21st-22nd, but I am still waiting for a conformation. Stay tuned.

The following weekend I will be in Calgary for the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo . This show has been around for several years now and it has been shaping up quite nicely. This year they has some huge guests, as the original cast of STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION will be attending the show as well as THE MAN himself, STAN LEE. I am really looking forward to this show.

Again I have a map to my table. Be sure to stop by if you are in the area.